Posted 9 May 2013
New renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar and marine power have been under development since the 1980s so it is appropriate to review progress and look into the future to see what these technologies may be able to offer. This paper by Bryan Leyland MSc, FIEE(rtd), FIMechE, FIPENZ. looks at the status of each of the new technologies from the point of view of technological maturity, overall cost of the electricity generated and the extent to which it meets the needs of a modern power system. The paper then speculates on what progress we can expect over the next 10 to 20 years and the extent to which new renewable energy technologies may be able to make a major contribution to the supply of electricity.
Download pdf [here ](leyland eea renewable energy status and prospectsnzcsc.pdf)
Scottish challenge to EU windfarm policy - download pdf here